*A mother is someone who guides and inspires. She helps us to attain our dreams and desires. Wisdom and insight are part of her way and her faith in her children brightens their days.
*Life began with waking up and loving my mother’s face (George Eliot).
*All I am I owe to my mother. I attribute all my success in life to the moral, intellectual and physical education I received from her. (George Washington)
*My mother was the making of me. (Thomas A. Edison)
*All that I am or hope to be, I owe to my angel mother. No man is poor who has a godly mother. (Abraham Lincoln)
Blessed is the woman of faith and hope,
she will be a sign of the Kingdom of God among us.
Blessed is the woman of relationships,
she will be a bond of unity and a sign of the fullness of God.
Blessed is the woman who welcomes,
she will be the “universal sister”, sign of the love of the Lord.
Blessed is the woman of the Word
she will be a Word of God for others.
Blessed is the woman of discernment,
the wisdom of God will be her riches.
Blessed is the woman of peace and reconciliation,
the strength and joy of the Lord will be hers.
Blessed is the woman who journeys towards the fullness of Christ,
she will live in the freedom and light of the Lord.
Blessed is the woman of prayer,
she will live in communion with God and her brothers and sisters.
HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY from Valentine, SSpS
Allah Bapa Maha Pengasih dan Penyayang,Engkau sendiri menyaksikan
dunia saat ini mengalami proses kematian di segala bidang.
Ekonomi semakin terpuruk, nyaris mati dipagut dollar
banyak perusahaan merana dan mati.
Angka pengangguran melonjak gila
para pekerja buruh menjerit kian terjepit
antara ganasnya ekonomi global dan lemahnya basis ekonomi nasional.
Kehidupan politik pun memrihatinkan.
Sendi-sendi kebangsaan kian goyah
Pilar-pilar kesatuan pun semakin rapuh
Banyak pemimpin hanya omong banyak
Sejuta pejabat cuma pandai berbohong
korupsi merajalela.
Kerusuhan terjadi di mana-mana,
Memakan korban nyawa dan harta
Mematikan rasa cinta dan persaudaraan
Meruntuhkan kesatuan dan persatuan
Menguburkan kerukunan dan perdamaian.
Ya Bapa Surgawi, inilah situasi dunia saat ini
Serba tak pasti dan membingungkan
Banyak rakyatMu kehilangan arah
Tak sedikit yang kehilangan pegangan
Setiap orang dapat memutar-balikkan dan memalsukan kebenaran dan keadilan.
Ya Allah Bapa Penyelenggara Kehidupan
Berilah kami Roh KebangkitanMu
agar bersama Kristus yang bangkit
kamipun dapat bangkit dari berbagai kubur kematian kami.
Semoga rahmat Paska PuteraMU
membawa semangat dan Roh Pembaharu
bagi seluruh segi kehidupan kami
dan serentak menghidupkan kembali
Iman, harapan, dan impian kami
akan tegaknya nilai-nilai KerajaanMu. Amin
(satu dalam misi Krisrtus, Valentine SSpS)