EASTER is a moment of turning point from feeling the loss of God or the absence of Christ, feeling the emptiness and darkness to the better looking into the garden, the moment of encountering the risen Lord. It is like the search of Mary Magdalene until she could look with her HEART and listened “Mary”, she heard her name called. She turned again and saw the risen Lord “Rabbouni”-“Master”, she exclaimed. Like Mary Magdalene, you have come to seek an encounter with the risen Lord “seeking ways of being signs of life and hope”.
How to reach out these ways? There are 26 ways to have an Easter experience in our lives:
A ccept each new day as a gift.
B elieve in your goodness and the goodness of others.
C heer for others and their successes.
D on’t ever give up.
E very moment is a gift for you – live it.
F orgive others and yourself.
G ive thanks for all your blessings daily.
H ave faith.
I nvite others to share moments with you.
J oin groups and be involved.
K eep in touch with those you love.
L augh, laugh, and laugh some more.
M ake some mistakes daily – on purpose.
N ever judge – give others the benefit of the doubt.
O ffer to share your time and talents.
P raise the good works of others.
Q uit worrying.
R elax and rest and live each day fully.
S ay nice things to and about others.
T ake time to play.
U nderstand that everything won’t be perfect.
V alue what you have.
W ish for the stars.
X plain things when necessary.
Y ou are important; don’t forget that.
Z ap life into everything.

Your task to build a better world, said God.
I answered: How?
The world is such a large, vast place, so complicated now. And I, so small and useless am.
There’s nothing I can do.
But God in His great wisdom said: Just build a better you.

*Written by Suster Valentine.